Saturday, December 21, 2013


The kids braved the heat for this December...
and the crowds for Christmas shopping...
for Build-A-Dino & Walking with Dinosaurs!

Smiles all the way...

And some love dinosaurs so much...
they picked up two...

And here we are waiting for the movie to start...

Wishing our families a 
Merry Christmas
and a Happy & Healthy
New Year!


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Flying Reptiles

And we didn't mean picking up the lizards and throwing them around...

Brushing up on her 
flying reptiles before anyone arrives...

But first....
Celebrating the Month of December

by decorating ornaments...

Then talking about some wings and hollow bones...

with a few demonstrations on how
a Quetzalcoatlus flew...

and the proof was in the tracks...they walked on all fours!

Now to see what these kids can do...

Although the size of some of these flying reptiles
were bigger than the clubhouse...

The kids were still able to
keep up with their prehistoric art...

Would you like to see how some came out?


They were all....


In a couple of weeks...
Our field trip to see...

Made the same "eye" on an ornament...

Thank you everyone...
We LOVE you!

caught on camera!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Why are they called

There were a few great suggestions on "why"....
1.  Marine Reptiles are fish...
2.  They have scales...
"I don't believe so..."
3.  They breathe underwater....
"No, No, No...."

And to find out....
Marine Reptiles evolved from Land Creatures...
"Ta Dah!"

These kids really know a lot about 
the prehistoric times....

It's always fun to teach them something new!

From learning about Cryptoclidus fins...
and how they swallowed rocks just to stay down...

And the Plesiosaurs fossil that
had bones of an embryo in the tummy....

Making our Marine Reptile Habitats!

And watch out for Liopleurodon...

That ones a SHARK eater!

Here's one trying to escape now!

Here's a "Behind the Scene" photo...
 getting ready before the other 
Dino Members come.

And we also gave tribute to
Mary Anning
"A Great Fossil Hunter"
Original inspiration for a famous tongue twister -
"She sells sea shells by the seashore."

Here's the link below for a great history...


And get ready for our field trip next month!

We're hitting the movies....
followed by Build - A - Dino...

It's going to be AWESOME!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Do you LOVE science projects?

My friend and I love doing school projects,
and love to share with everyone what we've learned.

Together....  We're having...

The Secrets of the Scientists

(A homeschool science fair)
Where we can share scientific, technology, or maybe even engineering passions....

Come and join... 
School of the Minds
Dino Club

Here are the details:

When:  Monday, January 27, 2014

Time:  11:00 am (set-up)
         11:15 am (students' time to look closely at other presentations)
         11:30 am (presentations to start prompltly)

Where:  Lexington, SC

Fee:  FREE

Capacity:  12 students, any age from K - 12

Preparation:  Students will create a 5-7 minute presentation on a topic related to science, technology, and or engineering.


FOR RESEARCH BASED PRESENTATIONS.... Include the following when appropriate:

A.  Title
B.  Statement of what was researched (i.e. topic) and why you chose it.
C.  Research - history of subject matter, including key challenges faced by those creating the subject matter, current uses for subject matter and impact upon society.
D.  Prediction - Student envision as the future technology/use/designs of the subject matter and the expected positive and negative consequences of this new technology on society.
E.  Design Process - explanation of how the student would create the future version of the subject matter.
F.  Conclusion - Why this subject matter is important to society and why the envisioned future version will have a greater impact on society.

FOR EXPERIMENT PRESENTATIONS.... Include the scientific method:

A.  A Question
B.  Background Research
C.  A Hypothesis
D.  Test the Hypothesis
E.  Record and analyze the data
F.  Draw a conclusion

If you need any dinosaur
 science project ideas, 
let me know....  
I have a few in mind already!

Let me know if you want to join,
places are already filling up!

This is going to be GREAT!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Giving a Presentation
School of the Minds

~~~Jack Horner~~~

Admiring the work that this man is doing!

Thank you 
School of the Minds
for creating
Presentation Days!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Late Triassic to Early Jurassic

With great teamwork...
these kids turned the Triassic Period into 
the Early Jurassic Period.

While discussing how the 
dinosaurs tried to survive... 
and how they evolved.

Maybe living in herds...
or going about it alone.

Seeing how the dinosaur
might have eaten...

Not only were the dinosaurs
trying to survive... so were the plants.

Looking to see how 
dinosaurs color your world...

It's different for everyone...

Dark colors, to bright ones...

It doesn't matter....

Who really knows what color they were?

Here's wishing these two little ones...

for all your help
in cleaning up our world...

Love to see